Honor Roll Requirements

7 years ago

Honor Roll Requirements
(effective 2000/2001 school year)

Honor Roll for Each Grading Quarter Requires:

93% Average with no grade below 90% and no Incompletes.

Merit Roll for Each Grading Quarter Requires:

88% Average with no grade below an 85% and no Incompletes.

Graduating from Curwensville as an honor Student Requires:
(effective 2000/2001 school year)

90% Cumulative Average for Honors

95% Cumulative Average for High Honors


High School Graduation Requirements

The existing graduation requirements are outlined in the student handbook, the Tide Guide, and are reviewed yearly.

  Pupils are required to earn a minimum of 23.5 units of credit
 during their four years of high school.  The 23.5 units include
 the following:

        a. 4 Units of English
        b. 4 Units of Social Studies
        c. 3 Units of Science (Earth & Space, Biology - required)
        d. 3 Units of Mathematics (Algebra I, Geometry - required)
        e. 2 Units of Health and Physical Education (Physical Education
            each year, Health in  grade 10 - required)
        f.  Required Courses:  Guidance 9, Drivers Education, Computer Applications I,  Research 9

Note: All of the above objectives were developed by subject/grade
        level in accordance with the Chapter 4 State Standards and
        the local defined standards.  Transfer students will be expected to
        fulfill the requirements starting at the grade level that they
        entered the Curwensville School District.  Students with   
        disabilities who satisfactorily complete a special education
        program identified in an Individualized Education Plan under
        the individuals with Disabilities Education Act shall be
        granted and issued a regular high school diploma by the
        school district.