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English 7 Course Syllabus

7th Grade English Syllabus

Mrs. Siple

Room C118


Course Description: Seventh grade English will include the study and enhancement of grammar, composition, and literature. This course will allow each student to develop and demonstrate a variety of communication skills, improve his/her weaknesses and utilize his/her strengths.


Materials: The materials you will need to bring everyday to class are as follows:

  • Writing Utensil- a pencil or pen (as long as it is not red ink or is difficult to see)
  • Notebook- Your notebook should have plenty of room for notes as well as handouts. Your notebook needs to be kept together and as neat as possible. A 3-ring binder would be best.
  • Book(s)- You will be responsible to bring a SSR book of your choosing to class everyday. Students will be required to read a certain number of minutes per week.


Units covered:

  • Journal Writing
  • Public Speaking
  • SSR/AR
  • Short Stories
  • Drama
  • Grammar
  • PSSA Prep
  • The Hunger Games
  • 5 paragraph essays

Classroom rules:

  1. Be quiet and in your assigned seat when the bell rings.
  2. No talking while the teacher is talking.
  3. Be prepared and on time for class.
  4. Raise your hand before speaking.
  5. Stay in your seat at all times unless instructed otherwise.
  6. Keep your hands to yourself.

All rules of conduct set forth by the Curwensville School District must be followed and practiced while on school property. District rules and policies can be found in your student handbook. It is your job to become familiar with these rules. Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

Classroom policies:

  • Attendance/Tardiness/Makeup Work- It is your job to be on time and prepared for class.       Once the bell rings for class to begin, you should be in your seat and quiet. Those who are tardy will be given three chances before a misconduct report will be filed. Please be prompt. If you should miss class for any reason it is your responsibility to come to the teacher to ask about what you missed and to receive any missed work. You have an equal amount of days to complete work/test as you were absent. For example, if you were absent two days, you have two days upon your return to hand in your work or see me for a test and so forth.       However, please remember that work that was assigned while you were present is still due on your first day back.
  • Homework- Students will receive at least two homework assignments a week. All homework assignments must be turned in on time, (not by the end of the day, assignments must be handed in when asked for or they will be considered late and not accepted) and I must be able to identify the homework as the assigned work, it must be neatly written or typed, and it must have the appropriate heading.
      • Your Name
      • Mrs. Siple
      • Date (9-1-14)
      • English, Your grade. Your period (English 7.2)
  • Restroom and Hall Passes- Students should come to class prepared. This means you should not have to return to your locker for any reason. Bring all of your needed materials to class before the bell rings. You will be permitted to use the restroom between bells and during the last ten minutes of class if you haven’t used your allotted five restroom passes per marking period. Students must sign out before taking the pass. Please fill in all of the required times when signing out.
  • Grading: The following is a tentative grading system that is subject to change depending on the amount of material covered each nine weeks.
  • Homework- There will be several homework grades throughout each marking period. Grades will be given on a point scale. For example, after a reading assignment you are required to answer 7 questions. The total possible points you can get is 7.
  • Tests- 100 points each
  • Quizzes-same as homework
  • Projects and essays- 100 points each
  • SSR (see grading scale on SSR time sheet) 9 per marking period
  • Accelerated Reader (AR)-100 points each marking period



I verify that I have read all the above information along with the SSR Reader’s Log, and I fully understand Mrs. Siple’s classroom rules and polices and grading system.


Student                                                                  Parent


Print Name__________________________              __________________________

Signature___________________________                __________________________


Please return to Mrs. Siple


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